Legislation on organic farming, nature protection and environment

Agrolink actively participate in working group to develop new plan for rural development 2007-2013 and the coalition "European Funds 2007-2013."

Time: 2005-2006

The President of Agrolink is a member of the Board of IFOAM EU Group for support and advocacy for the development of European legislation on organic farming.

Agrolink lobbied actively in the process of developing legislation related to human health and the environment. Especially active is conducted in organic farming, genetically modified organisms, biodiversity and environment.

Genetically modified organisms

Law on Genetically Modified Organisms
Time: 2004-2005
Summary: A campaign to raise public awareness about genetically modified organisms
Funding organization: Voluntary Work

Legislation on organic farming

Legislation on organic farming
Time: 2000-2001
Summary: Agrolink participated very actively in the development of legislation for organic farming - Regulations 22 and 35 MZG/2001 year. President of the Association is a member of the organic MAF.
Funding organization: Voluntary Work

Legislation under SAPARD

Time :2002-2005
Summary: Team Agrolink involved as a consultant in several working groups under SAPARD.
Funding organization: Voluntary Work

Feasibility Study "Review of existing legislation and policies on landscape approach to planning and management in Western and Eastern Rhodopes"

Time: 2002
Summary: Agrolink organize study law, agriculture, environmentally friendly and sustainable rural development.
Funding organization: Rhodope Project of the United Nations Development / Global Environment Facility (GEF). Agrolink Association is a partner of Green Balkans.

Support for civil society to reform environmental law

Time: 2001-2002
Summary: Developed a comprehensive report on the development of sustainable agriculture in Bulgaria.
Funding organization: Agrolink NSTS is a partner of Green Balkans Program ACCESS, EU Delegation in Bulgaria.

Access to information and public participation in the process of implementation of Directive 96/61 (IPPC) of the EU in Bulgaria

Time: 2001
Summary: To promote access to information and public participation in the process of implementation of Directive 69/61 of the EU in Bulgaria. Development of strategy of the NGO Forum for public participation in the subsequent issuance of permits and control. Preparation, publication and dissemination of a brochure designed to raise public awareness about the current situation and the consequences of the implementation of Directive 96/61/EC (IPPC). Developed report on implementation of the Directive in the field of animal husbandry in Bulgaria. Agrolink is a partner of the Center for Environmental Information and Education.
Funding organization: Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe - Sofia